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Within your company I am sure that you are always looking for additional ways to increase the revenue from your business activities without diminishing or detracting from your existing services.
Safe As can offer your company a partnership arrangement, to enable you to offer to your clients building fabric maintenance services, with no additional expenditure to your company, allowing your company to expand its current range of services, whilst also adding extra streams of revenue and increased profitability.
By allowing Safe As to provide a building fabric maintenance service to your company, offered as an additional service to your clients, you can expand your network of services and with Safe As taking responsibility for project managing the whole of the works, you can be confident that all works will be carried out in a professional manner, with the highest standards of craftsmanship from our team of dedicated professionals, to ensure your clients complete satisfaction.
We can offer to your clients, on your behalf, a repair and maintenance service for small works, including a Planned Maintenance Schedule tailor made to your clients particular requirements and allocated budget or alternatively we can provide a service for larger works, including a total refurbishment of your clients premises.
A partnership arrangement with Safe As will not only offer your company extra streams of revenue, it will also allow you to stop your competitors, who may offer this service, from getting a foothold into your clients business.
Designed By Matthew J Brown
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