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The quality of your amenities is important, not just for your clients, but also for your staff, whether to meet their requirements for personal hygiene or to comply with statutory health and safety regulations.

Safe As can provide your company with a first class building service, able to take care of all your amenities, from day to day repairs and general maintenance to a complete refurbishment of your facilities.  

Whether you require regular monitoring of your facilities with a Planned Maintenance Schedule, tailor made to suit your specific requirements and available budget or reactionary repairs, our team of dedicated, professional tradesmen and women, able to offer craftsmanship of the highest standards, can carryout every aspect of any building fabric works that your company may require.

Poor amenities, which discourage your staff from using the facilities available to them, could result in a drop in staff morale and affect your company’s ability to employ the right staff, affecting your company’s overall productivity.

It could also deter your clients from visiting your premises, as your amenities reflect your company’s overall commitment to your clients welfare and comfort, when they are using the facilities offered by your company.

Poor amenities can have a negative impact on your business, causing a downturn in the number of customers you are able to attract and resulting in a loss of turn over, which will have an adverse affect on your company’s revenue.